Senix Ultrasonic Level Sensors Accurately Measure Diesel Fuel for Rail Applications
From regional short line freight service to coast-to-coast passenger trains, the nation’s railroads depend on diesel power. With increasing investments in new technology diesel engines and repowering and replacement of existing engines, railroads are poised for achieving greater service and efficiency goals. Diesel power is proven technology and provides efficiency, durability reliability and now near-zero emissions, […]
NEW ToughSonic CHEM 12 Level Sensor
The ToughSonic CHEM 12 is the newest in the line of tough and intelligent Senix CHEM Level and Distance Sensors. Ideal for applications where rapid changes in temp occur Tested under more stringent temperature conditions….. Compact Design, Shorter & smaller diameter transducer Measure closer to the top of a tank and easier installation when space is limited […]
Senix Ultrasonic Sensors Ideal for Lubricant Oil Tank Monitoring
Automotive lubricants are the substance used to reduce the friction between the moving surfaces of the machine, leading to the reduction in generated heat. The increase in demand of automotive lubricants is attributed to the fact that lubricants increase the average age of vehicles by improving and maintaining engine efficiency The increasing demand for engine […]