
Senix sensors can be used singly or in groups on a common network, which saves on cabling and increases capability. SenixVIEW allows sensor networks to be configured in Group Control and Synchronized Control modes.

Group Control

  • Multiple sensors can be configured or updated as a group quickly
  • The parameter model can be your current Workspace or any of the connected sensors, which can be copied whole or in part to any number of additional sensors
  • Sensor cloning of an entire network of sensors can be done in seconds
  • Group control can be used even when a network is using SYNCH control below

In SYNC Control

  • Used for applications where interference between sensors may be an issue, or where a “snapshot” group reading of a wider area is wanted
  • One master sensor can control up to 31 salve sensors. The slave sensors can be organized in up to five phases with any number of sensors in each phase.
  • Sensors measure simultaneously, sequentially, or in groups depending on configuration.
  • Measurement intervals are programmable
  • Incident handling options can be defined by the user and sent to any or all sensors in the network
  • For step-by-step instructions on setting up SYNC control, click here